Modular Homes VA Blog

Ranch Style Modular Homes – Perfect for Seniors and the Handicapped

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes - Ranch Style Modular Homes

Ranch style modular homes are increasingly popular in and around Yorktown, VA for a wide range of reasons. We’ve covered the benefits of modular home construction quite extensively in our blog. Today, we’re going to focus on the ranch-style home in particular and why they are so popular within the senior and the handicapped communities.

The unmatched convenience of Ranch style floor plans makes them an ideal residential space even for the elderly and disabled. Since the floor plans are almost always only single story, there is no more need for them to climb up or go down the stairs. Everything is in proximity. Usually, the living room is situated at the center, giving full access to the available bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen and dining area, as well as other parts of the house.

With modular home construction, you can custom-design a ranch style home or any modular floor plan to make it spacious and stylish. You can be confident that you will have a home that not only meets the state’s building codes but also is tailor-fitted to the specific needs of your family. If you are an on-the-go father or a super hands-on mother who has playful kids, or even if you are a family who wants to live with and take good care of a senior citizen, a Ranch style modular home is indeed a great choice.

To find out more about the floor plans offered for modular home construction, contact the Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Why Choose A Ranch Style Floor Plan if You Remotely Expect to Expand in the Future

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes - Richmond, VA

With the abundance of home styles out there, each with their own pros and cons, it can be challenging to decide which style of home to build. Are we best served by a single-story ranch-style floor plan, a traditional two-story modular home plan, a cape cod modular home, or something else. All styles have their own benefits to offer. We are here to help you decide on why to choose the former though. Today, let’s discuss the benefits of the ranch style home.

Ranch style modular homes like those we build throughout Richmond, VA includes a shared space on the ground floor with a number of bedrooms and bathrooms. These private areas are usually separated by the kitchen and dining space or the living room. Because of such set-up, it becomes easier to heat the entire house so you will achieve increased energy efficiency. Heated and cooled air naturally flows through the ranch-style floor plan in contrast to the multi-story house plans that require more complex and often more costly HVAC systems.

If you are not decided yet about how many floors to have in your home, it is best to choose to custom-build a ranch first. This single-story floor plan has a living space that can be easily expanded come that time when you want to add more floors. Assuming you have a large enough lot, you can actually expand your ranch with the help of the wide array of options for customization that modular home construction provides. You can then add a deck, patio, or sunroom to your single-story floor plan. If you have more than one floor, it will not be easy to have these home additions because it will require you and your home builder to first conduct a structural analysis and careful planning for expansion.

To find out more about ranch-style modular homes, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Cape Cod Modular Homes - Symmetrical and Simple Visual Effect

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes - Cape Cod Modular Homes

By now you know that Tidewater Custom Modular Homes here in Newport News, VA will custom-build a home based on your exact specifications. The floorplans that your see on our website are starting points for your next custom modular home. The reward really begins when you sit down with us and customize those plans to your exact specifications.

The custom modular Cape Cod style homes you see in nearly every part of Newport News (and across the entire Tidewater area) display just how flexible modular floor plans can be. This home style lends itself to having a wide array of options for customization especially on its exterior. You can usually see a Cape Cod home being accented with dormers on its steeply pitched roof but there are yet a lot of things you can add to it to make it look great on the outside and stand out from the rest. You can even have a stunning front porch like what you can see in The Creedmore style of Cape Cod. You also have the option to add a chimney linked to every room thereby adding more charm and convenience to your home.

In case you want more than just a symmetrical appearance and simplistic ornamentation, you always have the freedom to add more features to the standard specification of Cape Cod modular homes. You can also check our design gallery to have more ideas of what else you can add if you choose to build and live in a modular home.

To find out more about the modular home style floor plans you can choose from, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Modular Construction for Vacation Homes

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes - Modular Construction for Vacation Homes

Vacation style modular home construction is now the vacation home buyer’s technology of choice. Why? Well, for countless reasons. So today let’s discuss just two.

First, they are more sturdy that stick built construction. When vacation homes are most likely to be built in challenging weather regions, it only makes sense to build a home that is bolted together versus nailed together.

Second, they are built and delivered much faster than traditional stick built homes. This means that your home can be enjoyed much faster. In the event that you are building your vacation home as investment property, this means it will start producing revenue for you much sooner than our competition. Modular homes can be constructed in as little as four to eight weeks once the design process is completed. A strong reason to choose modular construction for your vacation home.

There are so many other reasons that make modular construction the logical choice for you vacation home buildout. Let us discuss them with you personally. Contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

How to Choose the Right Modular Home Builder

Modular home construction is gaining in popularity for a host of reasons. The number one reason is simple. Modular home construction is a value-based buying decision. The number one question arising from smart home buying consumers who have figured this out is, “Where do we begin”? The answer to that question is begin with the builder in your area that is proven, can demonstrate their products, has references, and has won awards. Tidewater Custom Modular homes can deliver on all of that.

Whether you have decided upon new modular home construction or are investigating options, you owe it to yourself to sit down with a modular home professional and get educated on the overall home buying process. Whether you ultimately choose us as your builder, as your neighbors we feel an obligation to invest in our community and educate any and all of you regarding the lengthy list of considerations that each of you need to make. Of course, we’re confident that custom modular home construction will emerge as the runaway winner when the list of considerations unquestionably favors custom modular home technology over the traditional stick-built home construction option.

At Tidewater Custom Modular Homes, we invest in you first! We feel we owe this to all of you, our friends and neighbors. Not all real estate agents and home builders will be honest with you. We stake our reputation on full disclosure and our ability to factually defend our entire consult to you. Start with a quick tour through the long list of custom modular home floor plans and then Contact Us. It will be our privilege to serve you!

Build Your Dream Home - Stress Free

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes,Viriginia Beach, VA - Modular Home

If you have ever custom built a new home, chances are it was one of the most stressful experiences of your life. Chances are, also, that it was not a custom modular home that you built. Let us state something severe very simple facts regarding custom modular home construction versus traditional stick-built home construction: Modular homes are more precisely built, stronger, efficient, and more economical than their stick-built counterparts.

Rather than enter a most stressful period of your life by building a home, may we suggest that you can enter one of the more fun and rewarding periods of your life when trusting Tidewater’s most celebrated custom modular home building team! We’ll guide you through the entire process starting with helping you translate what is in your mind into a customizable floor plan. Yes, we have countless floor plans to review and choose from, but we want everyone to know that they are merely starting points. We take great pride and professional reward in translating your dreams into actionable buildable works. We’ll help you create the home you want, with the floor plan you dream about, and achievable on a budget that you never thought possible. The only surprise you will get when you build a modular home with Tidewater Custom Modular Home is how fast, simple, affordable, and enjoyable the entire process turned out to be.

We’ve built lasting relationships earned via every measure of customer satisfaction. Contact us today.

How to Prioritize Your New Modular Home Construction Budget

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes

We are so proud to have, over the years, built and delivered custom modular homes to the fine people of Smithfield and across the greater Tidewater Virginia area. Over the course of our award-winning custom home building history, we have compiled a list of the most common regrets that new homeowners have about what they should have done within their custom design.

Now, we are skilled, prepared, and ready to build your custom modular home to your exact specification, however, some of our proudest moments come when our customers proclaim, “Wow, we never thought of that”! That is what you can and should expect from your home builder.

The things listed below are just some of the things that we will discuss with you. Many are things that our client’s failed to attain from other builders who failed to deliver these things. Anyway, just a few things to consider and seek in your next home:

  • Build floor joists at 12-in. on center versus the traditional 16-in. The stability of the floor and feeling of structural rigidity are a simple thing and overlooked by most people. The additional cost is fairly small, but well worth it!
  • Nine-foot ceiling heights. The feeling of expansiveness is great and the additional cost is value based.
  • Comfort height commodes. Size does matter and a few inches in height contributes to your comfort greatly, hence the term comfort height.
  • Upgraded door hardware and solid core doors. Again hollow core doors work just as well, but can't compare in imparting a feeling of quality.
  • Using a quiet floor system and gluing the wood flooring in place wherever possible.
  • Staggered 42-in. kitchen cabinetry.
  • Utilize 18-in. floor tile if the space allows. Again, it is a small thing, and more difficult to install, but it's something you see up close each and every day. So prioritize quality here.
  • Upgrade the windows as nothing cheapens a house as skimping with cheap windows.
  • 2-in. x 6-in. exterior framing. The energy savings created by the increased insulation cavity will pay for itself in no time.
  • Ample high hat recessed lighting. Again, the showcase type effect is great and additional cost is minimal at construction.
  • Energy Star, Green or LEEDS Certification... The energy savings are utterly amazing.

Again, these are just a few tips on where to prioritize your new home budget. When it comes for you to build your customized dream home, contact us here at Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

The Green and Portable Nature of Modular Home Construction

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes, Hamton Roads, VA

Modular homes are gaining in popularity because of their various benefits. Cost efficient, time efficient, energy efficient and arguably more durable than traditional construction.

Modular houses are those houses that are built off site. Modules are constructed and assembled in factories and are transported to the site to be assembled on the foundation. Kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms are fully assembled, complete with arrangements for electrical wiring and plumbing then transported.

Modular homes are an environment-friendly way of life. Modular homes are constructed with as much as 90% lesser waste than traditional onsite construction. This is because of the efficiency of factory construction. There is no compromise in the quality of construction or in the design of homes. Those who build a modular home can choose from 100’s of interior designs or they can custom design a floor plan.

Another feature that makes modular homes environment friendly is its recyclable and reusable nature. Modules that together form a house can be dismantled to be transported elsewhere, which is something a traditionally constructed home can never offer. You can literally relocate your house if you move.

Modular homes are highly energy efficient and cost-effective. Modular homes are also much stronger than stick built homes. The parts that together constitute a house are constructed such that they survive the rigors of shipping and transportation.

Contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes for more information.

Greener Ideal

VA Loans for Modular Home Construction

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes, Virginia Beach, VA

Hello again from your friends and neighbors here at Tidewater Custom Modular Homes. We find it interesting that people call and inquire about Veterans Administration home funding for our products and services. Since it is a recurring question, we thought we address the issue in today’s blog post.

Yes, indeed the VA does offer loans on custom modular homes for all eligible veterans. But not all vets are guaranteed a loan. If you are a vet and having trouble or questions regarding locating a lender for your modular home construction, just give us a call. We can help.

Modular home construction is home-built largely in a factory and then moved in pieces by truck to the building site. There the modules are assembled and permanently placed on a foundation. Modular homes are financed by a real estate loan just in the same manner as all home construction projects are. More residential lenders are willing to lend on real estate that has a modular home than they are other forms of factory-built housing.

At Tidewater Custom Modular Homes we want to thank our veterans and we always offer Military Appreciation Modular Home Discounts and Promotions. Any past or present member of the United States Military gets a $1,000 credit towards options or upgrades as a thank you for serving our country. Present your military ID when you order your new Modular Home.

For more information on modular construction and our military discounts, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

About New Construction Loans for Modular Home Builds

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes - Construction Loan

The questions phoned into us on a regular bases are welcomed and an enjoyable aspect of our business. We must admit, however, some of the calls are “head scratchers”. It’s difficult to understand the mystery that, for many, continue to surround the modular home construction experience. So, you might understand why we are mystified about the occasional question: “Can I get a new construction loan for a modular home”? Well of course, the answer is a resounding “Yes”! But let’s discuss new construction loans for a minute.

Home construction loans have different requirements and different set of rules than other types of consumer loans. New home construction loans are used interchangeably for both old-school stick built construction and new modular home construction projects. We take great pride in helping every single avenue of building out your dream modular home. That includes sharing our vast knowledge of the home consumer loan industry.

A new construction home loan requires the lender to provide the money to build your new home. Firstly, your mortgage provider requires a detailed accounting of the estimated costs to build the modular home; including how much you are going to spend and what it will look like when it is complete. After these initial questions are answered you begin the credit check and annual earnings process.

There are a few different construction loans out there but the most popular one is a “construction to permanent” loan. Instead of first applying for a construction loan and following that up with a typical home loan, a construction to permanent loan is a two-in-one loan which, in most cases, only requires you to pay closing costs once. This loan is a combination of construction loans and permanent financing and can help you save money and time.

Keep in mind that with new construction loans it is very difficult to lock-in a permanent or fixed mortgage rate. This is because, with traditional construction, you usually won't be closing the loan for six months to one year depending on the build time. With modular construction, because the build time is so much shorter, you can more often get a fixed-rate or the fixed rate you close with after construction will be very close to the variable rate you had when you took out the loan.

Of course, you will be required to pay monthly interest on the construction loan amount during the modular construction process, but the amount you owe each month will depend on the amount you have used to date. If you are approved for a construction loan of $100,000 but you have only drawn $50,000 then your interest payment will be based on $50,000.

Sometimes lenders like to interview or see the license of the contractors who will be building your new home, so often it is beneficial to speak with the bank where the contractor has a relationship.

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Proudly serving residential and commercial customers in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Williamsburg, Surry, Richmond, Isle of Wight, and areas throughout the Tidewater / Hampton Roads VA region and North Carolina.