Modular Homes VA Blog

Three Beautiful Modular Homes For Those Thinking About Downsizing

People downsize for a host of reasons.  The most common being the simple fact that our kids have moved on and we simply don’t need that much home to manage, clean, and pay taxes on.  Also, downsizing, particularly into an affordable custom modular home frees up investment dollars to improve the quality of your life.  Let us introduce to you three superb custom modular floor plans that serve as perfect downsizing options.  

First, consider the “TIMBERLAND I” ( Single Level Ranch). It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and  1510 SQ.FT. The Timberland I is a single level ranch style home which includes a master suite and two bedrooms with adjoining bath, Flexibility abounds including the options of a TV/family room or private dining room off the large kitchen. Lost restrictions are not a problem as the Timberland I is designed with narrow lots in mind.

For those of you who don’t want to give rooms of furniture away when you downsize, consider the “TIMBERLAND II”, a Cape Cod style home with an unfinished 2nd Floor.  It offers 1 bedroom,  1 1/2 Baths, and 1132 SQ.FT. The Timberland II maintains a distinctive curb appeal while significantly reducing the overall footprint of this master-down charmer. A 12/12 roof with shed dormers affords growing families the opportunity to complete the upper level as their needs and means allow.

Finally, one home sure to please, “ THE POPLAR” (single level ranch).  It offers 3 bedrooms, 2 Baths, and 1207 SQ.FT. A magnificent kitchen/dining room combination highlights The Poplar. The optional bump-out window enhances the home’s appeal. Three bedrooms and two full baths complete the design of this ranch home.

These are just a few of the more popular smaller homes in our inventory.  We’d love to show them all to you.  >

A Brief History Of Modular Construction

click to view Traditional Homes

Ever wonder how modular construction came about? Modular homes can be designed from colonial style to estate style homes.
Modular buildings are also called pre-fabricated buildings. Modular construction began near the end of World War II but really took off in the 1950's. As soldiers came home, housing demand rose. Stick built construction could not keep up, so a new way of building was created, modular construction. Modular building has stood the test of time.
Of course, modular construction has evolved over time.  Today's modular buildings can be any number of modules.

As the demands of homeowners have increased, the ability to customize modular homes has also expanded. Custom modular homes have become the norm.

For information on Custom Modular Homes, contact us.

Thinking Of Buying A New Custom Home? Make Sure You Have A Budget Plan

The development of a household budget is a must activity both before you build a home as well as during your ownership of that home. By preparing a budget you can better focus on mortgage payment goals and how the new house will affect your total expenses. Maintaining a budget during the time you own the home can help to prevent potential financial disasters as well as point you in a money saving direction so you have more funds available for those things that you need or want. Some of the items and information you will need to develop your budget are:

  • All current monthly loan payments.
  • All other monthly expenses
  •  Records of variable expenses from the last 12 months. This will give you an estimate of your monthly expenditures.
  •  Records of annual or semi-annual expenses
  • An estimate of what your new mortgage payment will be.
  • Records of other non-fixed expenses for the last year.
  • Records or an estimate of personal expenses
  • Having a current copy of your credit report can be very helpful. Not only will it reveal any inaccuracies in your credit history, it will also give you a clear picture your monthly obligations. You can get a free copy of your Credit Report once every year at the official credit report government site.
Be realistic in your budget assessment. Make provisions for possible increases in some items. Then, look for ways to get and maintain control over your budget. Most people spend 10% more than they make! You probably know how much money you made last month, but do you know how much money you spent? Or do you know how much money you have left to spend this month? If you don't you're not alone, most people have no idea. The fact is most of us spend 10% more per month than we make.

Once you have prepared your budget the next step is to look for the dream home of your choice and what better way than to use a Tidewater Customer Modular home as your choice? Contact us today to see our floor plans and how we can help to make your home a reality.

TC Modular's Popular Homes Include The Ranch And Cape Cod Styles

Every Tidewater Custom modular home is carefully crafted and tailor made to the precise requirements and specifications of the consumer.  Our floor plan design process starts with a host of different home styles  and floor plan templates that we customize in close consult with our clients. Two of our most popular styles are the Cape Cod and Ranch style homes.

Ranch: This type of modular differs quite significantly from the Cape Cod variety, whereas the Cape Cod variety features a second story to the home, the Ranch does not. The Ranch style home offers a horizontal (vice vertical) orientation.  The emphasis here is about effective usage of space rather than large rooms, and one of the most readily identifiable aspects of this type of modular home is the notable presence of a basement. Ranches are also very popular among families, as the generous number of bedrooms makes it far easier to accommodate the children.

Cape Cod: This particular style of modular home features warm wooden flooring and stairs as a prerequisite, along with a carefully sloping roof, which will feature any number of dormer windows and will tend to make use of a rather minimal footprint. Complete with large-scale garden and greenery both from the front and back of the home, these types of modular home feature at a minimum, 1000 square feet of floor space. Given that they tend to include a maximum of two bedrooms, they may not be well suited for large families; Perfect for a couple or even a vacation home.

View the variety of Cape Cod and Ranch style custom modular home floor plans (along with a host of other types)  and then speak to us about customization options that will deliver you a truly unique and enjoyable home for life.  

Floor Plans And Custom Design Plans; The Possibilities Are Endless

We like to offer a wide variety of floor plans for our customers and because of this our customers usually find the floor plan that directly matches their needs. Some of our customers choose to customize floor plans and we are happy to work with you toward this end. We enjoy being a part of our customer's dream for a magnificently built modular home. If you select one of our standard modular home plans, it will save you time and simplify the home building decision process since the design, engineering, and pricing have already been done by us. If you're having trouble selecting a floor plan, then you’ve come to the right place. We would like to share with you some insider tips to select a floor plan that is right for you.

When looking through our selection of modular home plans, do not be misled by the pairing of modular home floor plans and exterior drawings into thinking that you cannot make adjustments.  In fact, each of our floor plans for modular homes can have a multitude of exterior looks, and each exterior look can be applied to many different modular house floor plans. All of our standard modular home plans typically include a floor plan and an exterior elevation. The modular floor plans show the location and size of each room, while the elevations provide an idea of what the finished house will look like on the outside.  You can adjust the slope of the roof, add dormers and decorative gables, and opt for over-sized roof overhangs if you choose, regardless of what you see in the drawing. There are a multitude of additional items you can add to your modular home.

If you don't find any suitable modular home floor plans amongst the sampling we have put on our web site, please don't hesitate to contact us and discuss what type of plan would better fit your needs.  After all, we don’t have “custom” in our name for nothing. If none of our standard floor plans for modular homes work for you, we'll be happy to help you design one of our custom modular home floor plans. We will also work with you on your custom design. If you already had an idea of what you wanted your dream home to look like, then we can sit down with you and discuss if it can be made modular. If your modular house floor plans cannot be built as a modular home, we will help you design one of our custom modular home plans offering similar features. We can get as close as possible for your dream home creation.

Tidewater Custom Modular Homes works with all of its customers to ensure happiness and quality in its design. Remember, we won’t be offended if you are not interested in our floor plans, we will work with you to design your home. Contact us today to get started on your dream home.

Creating A Lifestyle Through Custom Modular

What defines custom modular home lifestyle? Anything and everything you like. The whole idea of a home has escaped from the suburban cliches and the old commuter lifestyle. If you want a home or office, built economically, built faster, built stronger, and from an environmentally friendly process, then custom modular homes are your solution. TC Modular Homes is building  dream style homes.

We help with the lifestyle and design from the start

Lifestyle is now a matter of choice. New modular home technology provides for much more flexible home designs. It is now possible (in fact easy) to design your own lifestyle, and build it in to your new home. Even the architectural concepts have changed. Modern architecture is now an interesting mix of possibilities, including open plan and the more conventional styles of home design. That created a lot of conceptual space for people who want custom home designs. Customization allows a far wider, almost modular, form of home design. It also allows for much better use of land space. Multi story and split level designs are easily available, with additional features including detached bedrooms, and other innovations.

We work within plans, career, and family needs

The news gets better. With Tidewater Custom Modular, you can totally control your planning options. This will be fun and introduce you to a host of new ideas and possibilities. Lifestyle does begin at home, and if there is anything you've always wanted in a home, this is where you can find it. This new approach is revolutionizing suburbia. Many of the new houses you see being built are customized. That is why they look so impressive, and have so many features built in. It's also why the interiors are so different. The new custom home is a result of new design technology and new building and architectural concepts. Ironically, these new houses are actually cheaper, and easier to maintain, than the older homes they are replacing.

We can help provide the lifestyle you want

Do you want a fully modern home with all the amenities? You got it, and you can add more. Would you like a design for a growing family? No problem. Just want some space, and a good open plan place where you can have your home office or studio and somewhere to relax? Easy. How about incorporating a nice games room and maybe a home theater room? Simple, and you can add some guest rooms while you're at it. Custom in our name isn’t just for show, its what we do. Check out some of our featured floor plans, or contact us today to get more information on building a custom modular home.

Custom Modular Home Additions

In the past adding a new addition your home usually meant a long difficult process from start to finish of the project. A new concept in adding on to an existing home is to add a modular upgrade. Regardless of whether your home was originally designed and constructed modularly, it can more than likely be upgraded or expanded utilizing a modular addition. You've looked at all the possibilities, gotten your estimates, but when you look at the figures on the page you instantly go into shock thinking there's no way you'll ever be able to afford the addition to your home.

Modular construction to the rescue; Most homes regardless of their original type of construction module or old school conventional construction can be expanded modularly if the right plan is implemented. We are more than happy to work with existing home owners to make their dreams come true. Implementing the right plan begins with you and your idea of what you want in a home addition. Once you have in mind how you want to expand your home and where you want the expansion to occur you need to make a few notes to keep the idea fresh.

All of our local additions and modular building plans meet all existing local building codes, which will usually be a plus in the cost department for you. Allowing us to know what your idea is helps in whether or not we are able to modify your existing home.

Adding the addition modularly will ultimately save time and money in the overall construction process. Your addition will be constructed off site then hauled to the location and put into place. This cuts down on overall disruption to your day to day living. Helps to keep the neighbors happy, and minimizes the inevitable damage to surrounding landscaping. So if it's time for a new home addition, make it a modular upgrade. Contact us today to find out how you can get started on reinventing your home now.

How To Save 30 Percent When Buying A New Home

How can you reduce the construction cost of your new house? There is an easy way to save up to 30% on the cost of a custom modular home! Our factory built modular homes are manufactured like most others. It is first made in components or modules which are then put up together at your home site. Once assembled, your new home looks like any other home in your neighborhood. It has the same quality, strength, comfort and durability as any stick-built home.

Since your home is built in a factory, it is much cheaper than a custom-built home on-site. Remember when factories drove out craftsmen who worked with their hands? The same is happening now on a much larger scale! So how does all this save you money? As you know, factories use huge machines that build thousands of items in a short span of time. Thus, they deliver more savings in terms of time and labor. Instead of having a handful of construction workers on-site building your home in various weather conditions, you have a reliable, professional crew in a factory building your home in pristine conditions.

The homes are obviously not built with bricks and mortar which take lots of time and labor. The material for the homes consists primarily of wood, steel, vinyl and weatherboard. Factory owners buy the material from their original manufacturers and suppliers at wholesale rates which are heavily discounted. It is not possible for a retail shopper to buy his housing material as cheaply as the factory buyers can.

Our factories cut and mold the components and modules as per pre-set designs which reduces large amounts of waste that occurs at the individual home builder's sites. And left over material is never wasted; we use all of our material and help protect the planet by constructing homes this way. The factories transfer these savings to their customers to attract buyers in a competitive market. The savings to a buyer of a factory built home can be as large as 30% which bring your home within much easier reach.

The home is then be transported to site on one or more trucks. The end result is a quality home, built in less time and for less money! Check out our quality floor plans which can be tailored to your needs. If you have an questions or concerns contact us today and we'll be happy to help.

Tidewater Custom Modular Home's Most Frequently Asked Questions

We pulsed the entire TC Modular Home staff and compiled a list of frequently asked questions that we hope serves you well.  We invite all of you to call and discuss these questions (or any other question) in greater detail. 

Does TC Modular Homes provide financing?

No, however, we have established respect with mortgage brokers/lenders throughout Hampton Roads.  We expect to lend our experience and leverage our contacts in the support of every client.

Do we have to choose a design from the catalog or can we design a custom home?

We customize every home to meet the individual homeowner’s wants and needs. We start building plans from your ideas and iron out the details.  You can always choose one of our pre-designed model homes.

So, are we allowed to make changes to a model from your catalog?

Of course.  We expect you to modify building plans.  We WILL build a product that exactly suits your personal preference and lifestyle.

Can we choose a particular brand of windows, appliances, etc., or are we limited to which materials we can use for our home?

Once again, YES!  In fact our website dedicates entire pages to various design galleries for the interior, exterior, kitchen, bathroom, and more.  You choose the brand names for the materials used in the construction of your new home!

Does TC Modular provide building lots?

No, but did we mention the extent of our professional network.  That network includes the leading Real Estate agents throughout Hampton Roads and beyond who broker land sales.

Do modular homes cost less than a conventional stick built home?

On average, modular homes cost 10-15% less than a stick built home. We customize all modular homes to fit your needs.  The degree of savings is affected by the degree of customization.

How much does it cost per square foot to build a TC Modular home?

In general, the cost ranges from $90 per foot to $175 per foot, not including the price you pay for your land.  Many variables determine the final cost. The style of the home, the type and manufacturer of the windows, doors, appliances, and interior finishes all will affect the price of your new home. We will help fit you into the home that best fits your budget.

Could we do some of the work on our home as well?

This should always be decided prior to contracting.  Would you like to do your own painting? Landscaping? Or have a turn-key completed home? Yes, these options are available to you!

What is the resale value of a Modular Home?

The Modular Home's resell value is at or above the comparable stick built home.  They are stronger and less expensive to maintain.  Real estate appraisers understand this and it reflects in their appraisal models.  

One-Story Ranch Style Or A Two-Story Custom Home, The Choice Is Yours

Have you ever dreamed of building your own custom home?  A home that is perfectly suited for your lifestyle?  There are many advantages to building a custom modular home in Virginia or North Carolina over buying a home that is already built. However, there are countless decisions to make and questions to answer before your vision can become a reality.

After choosing the location, one of the hardest decisions will be whether to build a one-story modular home or a traditional two-story custom modular home. This is something that only you can decide. It mostly depends on your needs at the time you make the decision. For instance, a single person will have completely different needs than a family with children.

Let's break the two home styles down and use some of our most popular homes as a guide for the two:

  • One-story home:  consider our popular Ranch Style modular home
    • Ranch style homes appeal to families with young children. Keeping the younger ones off the stairs is big on the priority list
    • A one-story home is easier to clean
    • In the event of a fire, ranch style homes are easier to escape because there are no second floor windows
    • Achieving the right temperature in a one-story home is easier than in a two-story home.
    • A ranch home requires more land than a two-story home
    • For older adults a ranch style home might accommodate better to their needs. Climbing stairs becomes more difficult as we get older
    • Ranch homes allow the home builder to vary the ceiling heights, making it more attractive
  • Two-story home:  consider our Traditional 2-Story Modular Homes
    • A two-story home is built on a smaller foot print
    • For a custom home builder, two-story homes are easier and cheaper to build
    • For families with older children, the stairs might become an advantage. They offer greater separation of living areas
    • Even the inconvenience of going up or down the stairs can be turned into a positive by exercise enthusiasts. They consider the trek a form of daily exercise
    • A vacuum cleaner feels a lot heavier when you have to drag it to different floors
    • The luxury of a two-story home gives you confidence and security
    • Two-story residents feel safer from the threat of a burglar

There are many more factors in your decision, obviously, but this list is intended to bring out points of discussion for your selection. While both selections will give you quality and assurance when it comes to what you need the decision is purely yours. Deciding to build a custom home is not for the faint hearted. We are here to help in any way possible when deciding your dream home, so if you have any questions or concerns contact us today.

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Proudly serving residential and commercial customers in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Williamsburg, Surry, Richmond, Isle of Wight, and areas throughout the Tidewater / Hampton Roads VA region and North Carolina.