Modular Homes VA Blog

Modular Homes are Greener Homes

If you are interested in taking advantage of these low mortgage rates before they rise more, and you can’t find the perfect home because new home inventory is so low, consider building a new home. In fact, with modular construction, not only will you build a custom designed home, faster and easier than a traditionally built home, but your new modular home will also be a green home.

Modular homes are a greener form of construction and they are far more energy efficient than their stick built counterparts. In addition to more energy efficient construction practices, modular homes also use only energy star rated appliances and windows which makes them greener than traditional homes. As a result you will spend less on energy bills and your home will remain a more constant temperature all year round.

Modular homes are far more energy efficient than traditionally built homes. Modular homes from Tidewater Custom Modular Homes offer you energy efficient living using construction methods that are above and beyond the standard and we can make your home even more green than even our standard when requested.

The modular construction process is more earth friendly as well. Because we buy our materials in bulk we use less energy in transportation.  Because we have done this for so long, we know just what we need for materials. Our homes are built in a factory setting, so we have less waste and we are more efficient at making your home. This uses less energy. Additionally, because our homes are built indoors, there is no material waste caused by weather or theft.

If you are interested in buying a new home, and you want to take advantage of these low interest rates, but you just can find the home of your dreams, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes for a green home that is also the “perfect home”.

Buying a Home? Build a New Modular Home Instead

Recently homebuilder confidence has been rising. Homebuilders are confident about their sales prospects over the next two years, because more people are buying and building homes. Why? Low interest rates and rising rents. Basically, it costs less to buy a home in most US cities than to rent one. And, building a home can cost less too, with modular construction.

Interest in modular home construction has been increasing as well. Modular construction almost always costs less than stick built construction. Obviously, this depends on your design details, but modular homes always take far less time to build than traditional homes and time is money. There are so many advantages of modular construction that it is no wonder that while new construction is increasing, so is modular construction.

If you're building a new home, you should consider moving up your time frame. With interest rates still low, but slowly rising, now is the time to lock in your rate for a new construction home loan. Modular homes are a faster, less stressful way to build a home. Start the modular process now, and be all moved in before the end of summer.

After the design stage is completed, it can take as little as 4-6 weeks for your modular home to be fully constructed. Modular homes can be custom designed, or you can choose from one of the 100’s of existing floor plans. Then, your home is built in modules which are then transported to your building site. After being set on the foundation, it takes just a few days to complete the finish work, and you can begin to move in, taking advantage of these low interest rates.

Modular homes can be designed for first-time home buyers, growing families as well as empty nesters. If you are ready to build a new home, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Modular Additions and In-Law Apartments

As the population ages, children in their 40’s are looking at helping their parents sell homes and downsize. But where will your healthy parents who only need less space move? Modular additions and modular in-law apartments are the perfect solution.

Adding an addition to your home used to be a long and stressful process.  Modular additions are an easier, less time consuming solution and they can be added on to your home regardless of if your original home was built with modular construction or not.

Modular construction can give you that addition or modular in-law apartment in less time and often  for less money. With the right plan, any home, stick built or modular can be expanded with a modular addition.

Modular construction is designed with architects, so your dream in-law apartment can be customized to your parent’s needs while still keeping your home visually attractive and appealing. Modular construction will always meet all state, local and federal building codes as well as numerous quality control standards while under construction in the factory.

If your parents need to downsize, by the time your parents’ home gets put on the market and sold, you will have a completed modular addition.  For less money and time and a far less stressful construction process, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes for your modular in-law apartment.

Modular Homes Custom Designs are Limitless

Contrary to popular belief, all modular homes do not all look alike. With modular construction there are no design limitations. You can create any modular home floor plan you want for whatever your family needs, from a home for a growing family to a vacation home and everything in between.  You can add any style window or architectural detail that you desire. Nearly every floor plan  or home design can be turned into a modular home, allowing you to design and build you “dream home.”

Modular Home Facts:

  • Modular homes appraise the same as on-site built homes do. They do not depreciate in value.
  • Modular homes can be customized.
  • Most modular home companies have their own in-house engineering departments that utilize CAD (Computer Aided Design).
  • Modular home designs vary in style and size.
  • Modular construction can also be used for commercial use including office buildings.
  • Modular homes are permanent structures – “real property.”
  • Modular homes can be built on crawl spaces and basements.
  • Modular homes are considered a form of “Green Building.”
  • Modular homes are faster to build than a 100% site-built home.
  • Home loans for modular are the same as if buying a site-built home.
  • Insuring your modular home is the same as a site-built home.
  • Taxes on a modular home are the same as site-built home.
  • Modular homes can be built to withstand 175 mph winds.
  • Modular homes can be built for accessible living and designed for future conveniences.

For more information on modular homes in and around Virginia Beach, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Excerpts – Freshome

Smart, Custom Designed Modular Homes

More and more homeowners are interested in building a new home. Interest in energy efficiency and custom designs is growing. But custom designed homes are not always a solution for homebuyers of average means. Budget constraints often mean settling for generic or uninspired homes, inefficiency and mid-grade craftsmanship.
Not so with modular construction, as a result, interest in modular homes is increasing.

Modular homes offer alternatives, and modular home builders use a wider range of methods and materials because their clients want key features and efficiency.

Modular housing has been around for decades. Far from being cheap or generic homes, modular floor plans can be completely custom and the quality of construction can easily meet or exceed that of high-end conventional homes.

There are many advantages to modular construction:

  • Fewer weather worries: building modules inside a factory means materials stay clean and dry, and typically reduces the on-site construction time to days. Eliminating rain delays, temperature extremes, wind issues and other weather-related problems saves time and money, and it helps prevent mold and rot-issues later.
  • More consistent quality: Workers building wall sections indoors will have the advantage of using assembly platforms, alignment equipment and other big gear that an on-site crew does not have. They’ll have more tools to process lumber to more consistent dimensions, which means a better fit as the home is assembled.
  • Less risk at the build site: Having fewer delivery trucks and smaller work crews can reduce damage to the building site, and closing the house up quickly helps deter vandalism and theft of materials.
  • Less waste: On-site framing crews often generate a lot of scrap lumber and plywood that gets tossed aside randomly. The material sit to degrade in the weather, tempt vandals or be hauled off to a landfill. The planning that goes into prefab design and construction means most of that “waste” material will be stored inside and used later.

Additionally, modular homes now have levels of energy efficiency that traditionally built homes are cannot match. More coordination and precision during the building process means insulation can be integrated into the floors and walls of the modules rather than getting added on site.

For more information on custom modular homes in Virginia that meet your budget, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

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Modular Construction Gains Popularity in Virginia

Off-site construction, also known as modular construction, is gaining acceptance all over the country. In addition to residential projects, modular construction is also becoming very popular in commercial projects as well.
Modular construction has been used for decades, and it is very much becoming a prevalent and accepted alternative to home construction.  A home constructed off-site uses the same state and local building codes, the same or better materials and is fully inspected throughout the entire process.
In a traditionally built home, roof trusses, walls, floors are all manufactured off-site and turned into modules. The modules are then trucked to the building site for assembly and completion. The modular home uses the same materials and assembles them in the factory and then trucks the 90% completed home to the job site for installation.

Areas of the country that are experiencing population booms are taking advantage of modular construction to provide faster, high quality homes in an efficient manner.
While monetary savings had been the biggest benefit to modular construction, more people are choosing modular construction for other reasons: The savings in time of construction, less time paying for two homes, indoor construction, lowered soft costs and general conditions are a few other benefits that are making modular homes a popular choice.

In today’s world with advancements in all areas of our lives, construction should be no different. The possibility of delivering a new construction home using a different technique is deserving of an open mind.

For more information on modular construction in Virginia, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.


Lower Costs for Modular Home Construction

For a long time, construction methods had not really changed. Along came modular construction, but until recently, it had not made such an impact in the construction industry. However, over the last several years, modular construction has increased significantly in popularity. Why?

There are many reasons that could include anything from the customization options, to the efficiency of the modular homes once they are built, to the lower cost or the speed of construction.

But one big reason is because, it is just smarter. With rising construction costs, oil costs and costs of labor, modular construction just makes sense.  As construction and materials costs continue to rise new home costs have become challenging and out of reach. Modular construction presents a better, more efficient method of building to meet this challenge.

Construction materials are bought in bulk, keeping materials costs down. Modular homes are built indoors in factory environments, meaning there are no weather delays or labor issues. Because modular homes are built in a factory, each part of your home is built by the same person, giving your home expertise and consistency.

In many parts of Virginia, especially in more urban areas, homes that are on the market are older, these homes have been aging and not properly maintained for years. The costs associated with replacing these homes by a homeowner or home buyer is too high because the time to replace them is too long. Modular construction often costs less, but it always costs less in TIME.

For more information, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Home.

Modular Homes Have High Standards for Quality Control

Due to the flexibility of design, the rate of production and the reliability of modular construction, modular homes are getting more popular.

Modular homes are built in sections in a factory where they are never subjected to bad weather.  The modules move through the “assembly line” where they are quality controlled as each phase of construction is completed. The completed modules are then brought to your building site and assembled and completed.

Modular homes satisfy all federal, state and local building codes and are often a much higher quality finished product than traditionally built homes.

Differences between modular home construction and traditional home construction -

Using state of the art production technology, modular homes have a level of quality, efficiency, and overall cost savings that surpasses the highest standards for site-based construction.

Modular construction adheres to the highest standards for quality control as well as complete compliance with local, state and national building codes. Once the modules are being built, modular home quality control specialists and third party inspectors rigorously inspect for quality control at each stage of building.

Modular houses are stronger than site built homes. Typically, modular home contains 30% more lumber than site built homes and floors and walls are both glued and screwed together.

Factory built modular homes are cost effective because they are  one stop shopping for purchasing, designing and building a modular home. For more information contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Modular Homes are Different (But Often Better) Than Traditionally Built Homes

A modular home is a home that is built indoors in a factory setting. The home is built in sections or modules. The finished modules are transported to your property where they are assembled by a builder. Modular homes are not mobile homes; it is a traditional home that is built off-site. Other names for modular homes are factory-built homes, system-built  or pre-fab homes.  

Modular homes differ from houses built on-site. Because modular homes are built indoors they can be completed in a few weeks rather than several months mainly because modular home construction doesn’t have the same on-site delays caused by the weather. All modular homes have to conform to local and state guidelines and building codes that often surpass those of traditional on-site homes. However, it is important to shop around. Not all companies that make modular homes are alike. There can be significant differences in quality, price and service.  As with purchasing or building any home, it is crucial to do your research.

Modular Home Facts:

  • Modular homes appraise the same as on-site homes. They do not depreciate in value.
  • Modular homes can be customized.
  • Most modular home manufacturers have their own in-house engineering departments that utilize CAD (Computer Aided Design).
  • Modular home designs vary in style and size.
  • Modular construction can also be used for commercial office buildings.
  • Modular homes are permanent homes.
  • Modular homes can be built on crawl spaces and basements.
  • Modular homes are considered a form of “Green Building.”
  • Modular homes are faster to build than site-built homes.
  • Home loans for modular homes are the same as buying a  site-built home.
  • Insuring your modular home is the same as a site-built home.
  • Taxes on a modular home are the same as a site-built home.
  • Modular homes can be built to withstand 175 mph winds.
  • Modular homes can be built for accessible living and designed for future conveniences.

For more information on modular homes, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.

Traditional Construction Labor Shortage Causes Decline in Quality and Increase In Price

Part of the fall-out from the slowdown in the home construction industry is the fact that a large volume of home building craftsman and laborers have left the industry.  This labor shortage serves only to significantly increase the already strong comparative value of custom modular homes over traditional construction

An executive from TC Modular Home's supplier, HandCrafted Homes (Henderson, N.C) says the differential in price between modular homes and stick-built “has sure tightened” as subcontractor labor has gotten scarcer and more expensive.   Realize also that fewer traditional home building laborers means the volume of quality laborers has significantly declined as well.   Those who purchase traditional stick built homes really are buying a box of chocolates....they just don't know what they are going to get.

But you know what you are getting from your TC Modular Home selection.  Our builder enjoys the benefit of a skilled and stable labor force manufacturing high quality homes to the strictest of industry and company standards.  We're so proud of our products (such as our Cape Cod Concord and the Chapel Hill Ranch)  that we actively encourage prospective buyers to tour the Handcrafted Homes factory.  You'll know exactly what you are going to get and when you are going to get it.  Our average delivery time averages an amazingly short 60-90 days.  You won't get that efficiency out of any stick builder. 

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Proudly serving residential and commercial customers in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Newport News, Suffolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Smithfield, Williamsburg, Surry, Richmond, Isle of Wight, and areas throughout the Tidewater / Hampton Roads VA region and North Carolina.