Making Your Modular Home More Energy Efficient During the Winter Months
Winter is here and you will be using a lot more energy in your modular home, from having lights on longer to a furnace working overtime. Here is an easy check list to follow when you are trying to reduce your monthly energy bills. You should seek professional assistance in each of these areas to assure the proper corrections have been made.

- Have an energy audit- can be conducted by your local electric co-op or a private party.
- Seal air leaks- check around windows, doors, and any other seams/joints in your home.
- Check mechanical systems- change furnace filters regularly and systems for proper working order.
- Heat efficiently- replace old systems with new efficient ones.
- Use a programmable thermostat- this helps heat only when you need it.
- Control hot water use- change to a low flow shower head and lower the temperature on your water heater.
- Replace light bulbs- use CFL’s (Compact Fluorescent Lights) as they will save you a considerable amount on your bills over time.
- Use outlet switches- this is where you have a way of shutting power of to small appliances, televisions, etc.
- Install timers/motion light- these work well for frequently used lights and others that are in hard to reach areas.
- Buy ENERGY STAR products- these products are there to save you money.