Modular Homes Offer Safe and Comfortable Living

Safety and comfort are the primary concerns of homebuyers when purchasing a new home. For homebuyers who are considering building a new home, here are some things to consider in regards to modular homes.
Homes built through modular construction are sturdy and resilient. They can resist wind forces of up to 180 mph. The materials are precision cut to fit together perfectly and everything is fit and fastened in the manufacturing plant. Modular building systems applies the process of gluing and screwing all building materials with extra framing. Everything is reinforced to withstand transportation to the permanent building site and to withstand the craning onto the home's foundation. This makes modular homes tougher and sturdier, perfect for withstanding nature's violent strikes.
Moreover, modular homes are equipped with state-of-the-art safety features such as wired-in smoke detectors and incombustible building materials that are used around the kitchen ranges and furnaces. Those homes built on pilings near the water are built with higher and better standards and design. Modular homes strictly abide by the HUD national codes for electrical and plumbing and always meet or exceed state and local building codes. In fact, oftentimes, lenders are more comfortable lending to those who choose modular homes over traditional construction.
Contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes for more information on modular homes.