Modular Home Construction: Visually Stunning, Structurally Superior

We continue to pound the gravel for modular home construction because it is now inarguable that there is no better value alternative for new home construction. Value is measured by cost per square foot, customization options, structural strength, energy efficiency, precision engineering, and speed of construction. Add all those things together and traditional stick-building solutions don’t hold a comparative candle.
We humbly submit that we play a major part of the increasing popularity of modular home construction in Norfolk. We are an award-winning custom modular home builder serving the greater Hampton Roads area for years now. The cost savings can be significant, up to 30%. The benefits of a modern assembly line, low waste, reusable designs, and bulk material buy savings bring down the costs for new modular homes.
Modular construction offers shorter, more predictable building schedules. The home is constructed on a set schedule from the factory. When it is delivered to the property, it can be weather tight the same day. The amount of effort to finish and move in is minimal and the time and stress is reduced. In fact, Modular homes can be constructed in as little as 12 weeks. This is due in part because modular homes are built indoors using full-time indoor crews. As a result, modular companies do not suffer the no shows, bad weather, and other common time concerns of the traditional contractor.
We know, a lot to digest here, but come by and we’ll explain all these things in detail. Opening the eyes of the home buying consumer is a priceless benefit of being a professional modular home building company. Contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes anytime.