Low Stress Home Buying The Modular Way

Building your next home does not have to be a stressful activity. So many people have heard the horror stories of others about building a home from scratch. But you won’t hear those horror stories from those who chose modular home construction. There are many reasons for this, but the most prevalent reason is the precision of construction offered by the modular home industries' reliance on computer precision versus the traditional home industry’s reliance on craftsmen with a wide range of experience and skill. We help people in Norfolk and across the entire Tidewater achieve the dream of owning a new home. We offer simply the best overall value per square foot for your home-buying dollar.
One of the most common complaints of traditional home building construction is the extensive time required to construct the home. Our building process involves the use of an indoor factory to construct the foundational elements of your home. Weather does not threaten the delay the home building process in large measure. Weather very much factors into traditional home construction.
Cost overruns are common with traditional home construction but cost overruns are extremely rare within the modular home construction process. With such a wide selection of modular home offerings here in Norfolk, there is rarely a need to make architectural design adjustments during the build process. We’re here to help you get it right from the start and we’re happy to take all the time necessary to help you achieve that end.
We help people in Norfolk and across the entire Tidewater achieve the dream of owning a new home. We offer simply the best overall value per square foot for your home buying dollar.
For more tips on modular homes, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.