Cape Cod Style Modular Homes are the Perfect Combination of Classic and Contemporary Home Design

Cape Cod style modular homes offer a modern design with classic New England appeal. They feature a simple symmetrical shape that was intentionally designed to protect against harsh weather conditions. Because of this, many homeowners still prefer its classic layout. Modular construction in Yorktown, VA has adopted this design and continues to improve upon the layout to become more functional and resilient.
Cape Cod style modular homes have a symmetrical sloped roof, windows, doors, dormers, shingles and more. The sloping roof is one of their distinguishing features and is perfect against rain and the occasional snow. Modular building systems can enhance this style to make it more robust and flexible adding outdoor porches and garages.
For homeowners, who want the exterior of their customized home to remain simple, the Cape Cod offers charming curb appeal. The classic pitched roof as well as the optional three dormer design and stunning front porch are its best traditional features that will never go out of style. With modular construction, it is possible to keep these basic Cape Cod style features while modernizing the floor plan to be tailored to the specific preferences of the homeowner.
To find out more about modular homes, contact Tidewater Custom Modular Homes.